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Why is it important to apply sealant to the collar for a metal flue pipe?

By |2022-11-29T10:09:16-08:00November 29th, 2022|DIY Repairs, home inspection, Maintenance|

A home’s roof is the most important building system for keeping water from leaking into and damaging the interior of the home. Roof leaks could lead to mold growth issues, and long term leakage could lead to significant structural damage and expensive repairs. Although a roof is a waterproof assembly that is designed to [...]

How should a crawlspace be ventilated?

By |2022-11-29T09:50:40-08:00November 29th, 2022|DIY Repairs, home inspection, Maintenance|

Homes that have a crawlspace have a unique set of concerns when compared to homes built on a slab, or on a basement foundation. Since a crawlspace is an enclosed space under the living space, problems can go unnoticed since most people will hardly ever, or never enter the crawlspace. Crawlspace issues that include [...]

Large Trees: Hazards Above and Below

By |2022-11-29T08:54:50-08:00November 29th, 2022|DIY Repairs, home inspection, Maintenance|

Landscaping can make the difference between an unattractive setting and a private oasis. While roses and rhododendrons make for appealing shrubs, large trees can be a dramatic and attractive focal point for a yard. While large trees can be a great source of beauty and shade, they can also present certain challenges and hazards [...]

Winterizing Your Home in the Pacific Northwest

By |2022-11-29T08:56:02-08:00November 29th, 2022|DIY Repairs, home inspection, Maintenance|

Wintertime in the Pacific Northwest brings many great outdoor activities; from skiing the slopes of Mount Hood to storm watching at Cannon Beach, wintertime in the PNW brings plenty of changes to our region. While cold and wet weather can put a damper on some activities, it can also bring a host of problems [...]

How to treat moss on a roof?

By |2022-11-29T08:25:16-08:00March 10th, 2022|DIY Repairs, home inspection, Maintenance|

Moss spores are air-borne and find their way onto roofs via wind. Once the spores get on the roof, they adhere to the shingles and start growing into thick moss. Since moss does well in a wet climate, areas of the roof that get the least amount of direct sunlight are most likely to [...]

3 prong versus 4 prong outlets for dryers. What can be done?

By |2022-03-10T13:34:45-08:00March 10th, 2022|DIY Repairs, home inspection|

When homeowners with older dryers that have 3-prong connections move into a property with a newer 4-slot outlet, they may be confused about why their dryer cord doesn’t work. Their dryer cord doesn’t plug into the wall outlet and they’re not sure what the problem is. This situation is common and the fix for [...]

Maintenance For Your Asphalt Shingle Roof

By |2022-03-08T18:20:07-08:00March 8th, 2022|DIY Repairs, home inspection, Maintenance|

Regular maintenance is the best way to help extend the life of the various components within a home and to keep them operating properly. One of the most important areas of a home is the roof, which serves to protect the interior from rain, hail, debris, and wind. Regularly cleaning and performing preventative maintenance [...]

Hose Bib Backflow Preventers and Vacuum Breakers

By |2022-03-08T13:22:53-08:00March 8th, 2022|DIY Repairs, home inspection|

Maintaining water safety and quality in a home is an extremely important part of regular home maintenance and repairs. With the majority of households in the U.S. drinking tap water (71%), keeping impurities and contaminants out of the potable water supply is critical. While city water from the street is regularly inspected and treated [...]

How to Fix a Loose Deck Guardrail

By |2022-03-08T12:43:07-08:00March 8th, 2022|DIY Repairs, home inspection, Maintenance|

For many people, having an outdoor living space is an important factor when considering the purchase of a property. Homes with decks and patios enable homeowners to enjoy the outdoors in a way that can keep them out of the dirt and mud, and often are used as outdoor cooking areas for barbeques and [...]

How to Fix a Loose Shower Head

By |2022-03-08T12:36:02-08:00March 8th, 2022|DIY Repairs, home inspection, Maintenance|

A common plumbing fixture in a home, showers are a modern convenience that provide clean water for bathing activities while using less water than a traditional bath. While showers typically don’t require much maintenance beyond regular cleaning and periodic replacement of deteriorated sealant, some components can require repair or replacement as they age, such [...]

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