Foundation Certification

Nonprofit Home Inspections offers permanent foundation certifications for manufactured and mobile homes in the greater Portland / Vancouver metropolitan area. A foundation certification from a licensed engineer is required for most federal loan programs  (HUD / FHA / VA) when getting a loan for a manufactured or mobile home.

Nonprofit Home Inspections has partnered with licensed engineers in Oregon and Washington in order to provide our clients with an Engineer Foundation Certification letter that will fulfill HUD / FHA / VA requirements. This process includes a site visit, a visual inspection of the home / property, and documentation of attachments, piers, HUD tags, etc. After the inspection by our licensed home inspector, a licensed engineer will produce an engineer foundation certification report if the foundation is in compliance with HUD / FHA / VA lending requirements and national standards. If the foundation is not in compliance, the report will include a list of repairs that should be made in order to obtain certification. If the foundation is not in compliance and repairs are required, a re-inspection can be requested once the repairs have been made.

Foundation Certification Portland Oregon

Foundation Certification Portland Oregon

Engineer Foundation Certifications

Engineer Foundation Certifications can only be produced by professional, licensed engineers in the state where the home is located (Oregon or Washington). Nonprofit Home Inspections has partnered with licensed engineers in both Oregon and Washington in order to provide foundation certifications at an affordable price. By partnering with licensed engineers, our licensed home inspectors are able to help clients receive critical foundation certifications at a reasonable price.

How Much Is A Foundation Certification?

A typical foundation certification is $295 when purchased in conjunction with a full home inspection or $395 when purchased as a stand alone service. Once scheduled, our licensed home inspector will coordinate the entire report writing process with the engineer from the site visit all the way to report delivery. This partnership helps fast track the foundation certification process and makes it as easy as possible for our clients.

Foundation Certification Near Me

Foundation Certification Vancouver Washington

Hitch removed on manufactured home.

Nonprofit Home Inspections offers foundation certifications for manufactured and mobile homes in the greater Portland / Vancouver metropolitan area. Please see our services areas at the bottom of each page for more information concerning our service areas.

How Long Does a Foundation Certification Take?

We understand how quickly real estate transactions move, so we are typically able to complete a foundation certification report within 2 to 3 business days of your inspection. Once you schedule, our licensed home inspector will coordinate everything with a licensed engineer in order to complete your report as quickly as possible. A digital copy of this foundation certification report will be emailed to you and your real estate agent as soon as it has been completed by the engineer. You can schedule a foundation certification inspection online anytime 24/7 by using our online scheduler.

Foundation Certification near me

Foundation Certification – Tie Downs

What is inspected for a Foundation Certification?

There are a number of things that must be inspected for a foundation certification. To begin with, your foundation certification inspection will make sure that the assembly meets HUD installation requirements. This includes making sure that the home has a direct load path to the foundation and footers in order to help ensure the structural integrity of the assembly. In addition, the home should have permanent skirting around the home to prevent pest intrusion, proper piers with frost protection, and strapping / anchorage / tie downs to resist wind and seismic events.

In addition, our licensed home home inspector will review any additions to the mobile home or manufactured home. It is okay to have additions attached to the home, but the additions should not be supported by the home. An example of an improper attachment would be a cantilevered deck attached to the home with a ledger board.

Lastly, our inspector and engineer will attempt to determine if the home is in its “1st permanent location.” It’s not always possible to determine if the home has previously been moved, but HUD / FHA prefer that manufactured / mobile homes not be moved as moving them can lead to structural damage.

What is included in an Engineer Foundation Certification report?

Our engineer foundation certification report includes documentation of the site visit, a site assessment, an evaluation of the foundation including any attachments, and a review of HUD tags. A foundation certification report does not include components covered in a regular whole home inspection. If you would like your roof, siding, plumbing, electrical, etc. inspected as well, please schedule a foundation certification with a whole home inspection. Foundation certifications are offered at a $100 discount if scheduled in conjunction with a whole home inspection.