Broken Window Seals
Most modern windows in homes are made up of multiple panes of glass which are separated by air gaps, which are then sealed around the edges by a flexible rubber seal. Insulated Glass Units [...]
Damaged Plumbing Vent Boots
Plumbing vents are an essential part of a home’s DWV (Drain Waste and Vent) system. They supply fresh air to the plumbing system in the home, which helps with proper water circulation. Additionally, plumbing [...]
3 prong versus 4 prong outlets for dryers. What can be done?
When homeowners with older dryers that have 3-prong connections move into a property with a newer 4-slot outlet, they may be confused about why their dryer cord doesn’t work. Their dryer cord doesn’t plug [...]
Federal Pacific Panels
Federal Pacific Electric Co. (FPE) was a manufacturer of faulty electrical panel components, most commonly known, Stab-Lok panels. In 1949 the Federal Pacific company filed their first patent and in 1963, a patent for [...]
Why are Double Tapped Neutrals a Problem?
In an electrical panel, you will find a variety of different types of wire gauges, circuit breakers, and bus bars. Three types of wires that you will see in any electrical panel are hot, [...]
Swimming Pool Filters
Swimming pool filters are an essential component of a pools water circulatory system and help to maintain clean water for swimmers. Filters are plumbed into the plumbing network after the pool pump and before [...]