How to replace a deadbolt lockOne of the most important factors to consider in a home is security. Deadbolt locks at exterior doors are the first line of defense when protecting the home from intruders, so ensuring that all deadbolts are in good working order is a priority.

There are a few different reasons why someone may need to replace a deadbolt lock, perhaps keys were lost, or someone bought a new home and wants to update the locks to make sure no-one else has copies of the existing keys. In other cases, deadbolts may have just become worn or damaged, or possibly the deadbolt itself is considered to be a safety hazard, such as in the case with double cylinder deadbolts.

Double cylinder deadbolts require a key on both sides of the door in order to operate. Although this may be useful in some instances, having a double cylinder deadbolt can pose a potential egress issue in the case of a fire. If a door to the exterior required a key to be opened from the inside, and the key was not accessible or was lost during a fire, a person may be at more risk of injury or death if the door cannot be opened. This is why many home inspectors recommend replacing double cylinder deadbolts with ones that have an operable lever on the inside.

Replace double cylinder deadboltOne thing to mention is that there are some maintenance techniques that can help restore the function of a faulty deadbolt that might be worth trying before replacing the lock. Specifically, if you have trouble inserting a key or turning a deadbolt when a key is inserted, you might be able to correct this condition by adding a lubricant to the lock. Most contractors choose a graphite powder that can be sprinkled on a key before inserting into a lock, and after a few turns of the lock, the key might be able to glide smoothly within the lock itself, resolving the issue. It is usually a good idea to use graphite lubricant at all locks in the home as a general maintenance practice to keep locks in good working order.

If you have a damaged or faulty deadbolt, it is probably time to upgrade your deadbolt lock. One thing to consider is the quality of deadbolt locks. Not all deadbolts are created equal, and going with the cheapest lock that you can find may make the home more vulnerable to break ins, since cheaper deadbolts are easier to pick or damage.

Replacing an existing deadbolt lock is a pretty simple task, and does not usually require any special tools. In most cases, all you need to replace a deadbolt is a Philips head screw driver. If you are trying to install a deadbolt in a door that does not already have one, the process is more complicated, and requires the use of drills, chisels or other tools. Check out the video below on how to replace an existing deadbolt lock.