There are certain requirements for a home in order for it to be considered habitable. In many cases, these types of requirements can determine whether a home can qualify for financing or not. Home inspectors are not loan experts, but can help buyers determine whether certain repairs are needed in order for the home to be considered habitable.

Heating registerOne such requirement in homes located in climates that require heating, is that each habitable or living space should have a heat source. Any room in a home used for living, sleeping, cooking or eating is considered to be a habitable room. Rooms such as bathrooms, laundry rooms, toilet rooms, closets, halls, storage or utility areas are not considered to be habitable spaces, and therefore are not required to have a heating source.

A heating source can vary from home to home, and some residential homes may have multiple heat sources that require different fuel types. Mostly, residential homes utilize natural gas, electricity, fuel oil, propane, or wood as their main fuel for heating. It is more common to find rural homes that use propane, fuel oil or wood as a heating fuel, since these fuels are easier to store on location, whereas most urban homes utilize natural gas or electric as a fuel source that is usually supplied through a large distribution grid.

Home inspectors may find missing heating sources in habitable rooms when a home has been modified, or when additions have been added to the existing structure. If a space in a home that was not previously considered to be a habitable space, such as an unfinished basement or garage are converted into living space, installation of a heating source can be overlooked. For instance, if a home has a forced air furnace that relies on heating ducts that are routed through a crawlspace, and a garage that is on a slab is converted into a living space, it can sometimes be difficult to extend or route additional ducting to the garage.

Mini split heat pumpn most cases, when installation limitations do not allow one type of heating system to be installed in a converted space, another type of heating system is installed. In many cases, electric wall heaters or baseboard heaters are installed. However, there can be, limitations to adding electric heating if the electrical system in the home does not have the capacity or space to support and electric resistance heater. Thanks to technological advances, another option is to install a ductless mini split heat pump system. These systems allow a high efficiency electric heat source to be routed to most places, and they can also provide cooling during the warmer season.

Check out the video below for more information about what qualifies a space as being a habitable room.