AC Condenser Annual MaintenanceWhat if you could save money, breathe cleaner air, enjoy enhanced safety and comfort in your home all while improving your overall peace of mind for a relatively small investment? Let’s look at why HVAC preventative maintenance is such a good idea.

Save money:
Regular HVAC maintenance is estimated to lower the chance of expensive failures by up to 95%. You probably wouldn’t drive your car for 50,000 miles without changing the oil; you’d be asking for trouble. This analogy applies to your heating and air conditioning system.

Routine maintenance ensures that your HVAC system operates at near-peak efficiency. According to the US Department of Energy, this might save you up to 30% on your energy costs.

Regular maintenance will increase the life of your system, minimizing the possibility that you’ll need to spend a lot of money on a new HVAC installation in the near future. It’s similar to how annual physical exams may help humans live longer, only your HVAC doctor comes to your house.

It’s also important to remember that most HVAC manufacturers need documentation of annual maintenance when submitting a warranty claim. Because some of the components that make your HVAC system operate are rather costly, investing in regular maintenance can make sure that your warranty is active when you need it.

Furnace Annual MaintenanceMake the home more comfortable:

Your HVAC system is responsible for keeping you comfortable throughout the year. Regular maintenance improves the uniformity and consistency with which your system produces and distributes warm or cold air. It also lowers your chances of returning home from work one winter day to discover icy air blasting through your vents.

It’s all too easy to take upkeep for granted, or to accept that a certain room is just too hot in the summer or too cold in the winter. Performing regular HVAC maintenance ensures your house heats and cools as evenly and effectively as possible. Regular maintenance will also reduce the likelihood of HVAC sounds or odors interfering with your quality of life.

Make your home safer:

You’ve probably heard some of the horror stories – someone was away for the holidays and returned to a house that had been frozen and seriously damaged. If you’re away from home and your heat goes out, it may cause your pipes to freeze and break. Just one broken water pipe can cause catastrophic damage.

Preventive HVAC maintenance also protects you and your family against the dangers of carbon monoxide, a colorless, odorless gas with fatal consequences. Carbon monoxide exposure, even at low levels, can cause major health problems, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

You can see an example of furnace maintenance items here: