Repair bug screen

Damaged bug screen.

Do you have windows with missing or damaged screens? Tracking down the correct sized screens that fit into an older window can be difficult, and if you do find screen replacements, they can be also be expensive than you expect. Hiring a professional to install screens could cost up to $100.00 or more per window. Replacing damaged screens, or purchasing screen making kits can make this easy DIY fix more affordable, and can help homeowners to have nice clean looking window screens for their home.

It’s pretty surprising how much a new screen on a window can improve curb appeal, and the general aesthetic of a home. Having torn or bent window screens makes a home look used and abused. Also, of course having screens installed helps to keep bugs from entering into the home, and can make the use of a window more enjoyable. Even screens with small tears or openings can let bugs into the home. Biting insects such as mosquitoes can find their way through the smallest of holes in a damaged screen, and then hunt you down for their next meal.

Window screens can also be a very important safety component in homes. In some areas of the world, protecting occupants from insect bites can also be a health and safety concern as insects can carry unwanted viruses that could be transferred to humans. In addition, screens are essential for homes in rural areas with lots of biting insects. Having intact screens in windows pretty much determines whether or not the window will be opened when you know a swarm of biting or stinging insects is just waiting for the opportunity to come inside and make your life miserable.

If a window in your home is missing a screen, there are kits that can be found online or in home improvement stores that can allow you to custom make screens that fit into your existing windows. Kits will include all materials needed to build a screen, such as the screen material, frames, mounting springs, and rubber splines (used to hold screen in the frame). Also, used screens can be found in used construction material stores and thrift stores for a fraction of the price of ordering from the window manufacturer. If you can’t find a used screen that matches the exact size of your window, you can buy one that is larger, and then modify the screen frame by cutting it down.

With a few simple affordable tools and a couple of hours, you can replace and install fresh screens that will improve the look of your home, and help keep insects out in the wild where they belong.

Here’s a video showing how easy it is to replace your screens.